Saturday, October 8, 2011

Blogging Beginnings

Well here it goes! It has taken me a while to get this blog up and running.  The whole process of creating the blog was a challenge.  I love technology and I have always wanted to create a blog, but I found the whole idea somewhat intimidating.  Just the idea of others being able to read my thoughts and ideas is very disconcerting.

With that said, I thought it was high time I learned how to do this.  I have seen many teachers using blogs in the classroom and that is something I would love to try with my own students.  In order for me to be able to effectively use blogging in my classroom I need to learn how to do it myself, no matter how nervous it makes me.  Part of the reason I have taken so long to get started was that I was still thinking old school.  I began by trying to write down what I was going to say before I tried to create the site.  Then I began looking at videos online trying to learn how to get started.  Finally I decided it was easier to just jump right in and begin, so I hope I am not rambling too much.

I am currently completing my master's degree in education.  One of my final courses entails reflecting on the teaching and learning process through a creative lens.  For my project I will attempt to tell my story by exploring the relationships of significant people and places in my life through the use of a memory quilt.  I am using this blog as part of my portfolio.

Well not only is blogging new to me, but quilting is as well.  My sewing experience consists of sewing a few missing buttons back on my shirts, but I have never used a sewing machine before.  I love quilts and I have bought quite a few at craft fairs over the years.  I have always wanted to know how to make them myself.  Thankfully my mother in law has agreed to take me on as her apprentice.  While she does a lot of sewing, she tells me she is not a quilting expert.  What she does know is self taught, so we are going to embark on this learning adventure together.  I will be using this blog to document our progress and to share the knowledge that we gain throughout the process.

Happy quilting,

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